
Velocity Repricing

pre-configured & ready to go!

Your Businessadditional information

eBay StoresWe support stores on all eBay sites, incl eBay Motors


Total listings & variationsWe count each individual variation as a listing, but only the ones with stock


your listingsVisibility of your listings at variation level, and each variation has its own set of competitors

HotList ItemsHotList items are repriced every 4 hours


Competitor scan cycleHow often we go through your entire store and find new competitors

Not applicable

Tracking competing listingsMax # of competitors’ listings our Radar locks on and tracks

Not applicable

Targeted competing sellers (BlackList)List of sellers that we provide additional insight on, and you can choose to reprice against them only

Not applicable

ItemSpecifics ScanScan competitors using data in ItemSpecifics, such as UPC, EAN. MPN, IPN, ePID, ASIN, ISBN etc

Not applicable

Keyword ScanScan competitors using keywords as you’d use in the eBay search box

Not applicable
AutoLock (on UPC/EAN/ePID/ASIN/ISBN)Automatically lock on to competitors’ listings using product data
Not applicable

Multi-variations: competitors’ listingsVisibility of your competitors’ multi-variation listings, allowing you to lock on and compete at variation level

Noise FilterReduce irrelevant scan results with keyword exclusion on title and variation

Self-learningAutomatic continual adjustments of settings to optimize radar scan results

WhiteListList of sellers you do not want to compete with (e.g. your other eBay store, or a friendly store)

Competitor list downloadDownload list of competitors’ listings

AI ScanAlgorithmic scanning of competitors in the absence of item specifics or keywords

AutoLock + (on MPN/SKU/IPN/Keywords)Automatically lock on to competitors’ listings using product data
AutoPrice: Velocity based

Job FrequencyHow often AutoPrice jobs are run


AutoFloor & Ceiling Easy way of setting floor and ceiling prices using current prices as reference


Update eBayRevise your prices on eBay after an AutoPrice job run (subject to floor & ceiling prices)


Update eCommerce platformSend price updates to your eCommerce platform after an AutoPrice job run (subject to floor & ceiling prices)

Update eBay + eCommerce platformRevise prices on eBay and send price updates to eCommerce platform simultaneously

Custom ScheduleChoose day-of-week and time-of-day to reprice, instead of the default schedule at midnight

Price differentialsMaintain a price differential between your prices and overseas sellers, or sellers who have long handling times

Velocity Repricing

pre-configured & ready to go!

EasyPricer - $9.95/mo

N eBay Stores: 1

N Total listings & variations: 500

N Competitor scan cycle: Not applicable

N Tracking competing listings: Not applicable

N Targeted competing sellers(BlackList): Not applicable

N ItemSpecifics Scan: Not applicable

N Keyword Scan: Not applicable

N AutoLock (on UPC/EAN/ePID/ASIN/ISBN): Not applicable

N Job Frequency: Daily

N AutoFloor & Ceiling

N Update eBay

