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Schoolyear is in! Have your eBay store prepared to get noticed

by Leo Chan
17 Aug 2020

In a few weeks, the days will start to get shorter, college students will be packing for their dorms, and the school year will begin. This is a good opportunity for all those who wish to sell school supplies and related items on the eBay marketplace. The online eBay marketplace is one of the largest e-commerce stores out there and currently has over 1.3 billion listings, with this number only increasing. 

Many students look for college textbooks, dorm furniture, and supplies on the eBay marketplace, along with parents shopping for their children’s school supplies. If the items you are selling fit into these categories, this is the perfect time for you to get a large amount of sales and increase your revenue. 

Of course, there are a lot of listings on this site, so that means more competition. However, repricing is going to help you stand out, be noticed, and beat your competitors. Your products must always be at a reasonable price, no matter what you are selling. Repricing is going to help keep your prices competitive for the market. 

What is repricing?

With changing trends and time periods, such as the school year starting, the online market is also changing and evolving. This means continuously changing trends in pricing. To be able to keep up, you must begin to reprice. Repricing is the changing of product price according to the current market and competitor prices. 

This process is hard to do on your own, so a software exists to help automate the process. This software detects price changes and changes your product price along with it. For example, if the prices of textbooks start to go down, yours will also go down to match the market and the same for the opposite. With these tools, all you will have to do is set up some preferences and watch your revenue roll in. 

What are the benefits of repricing?

Changing the price of your product does not mean you are going to be losing money. In fact, the opposite is true, and it is going to place you one step ahead of your competitors. 

Your turnover rate is undoubtedly going to increase as your prices change. When people shop for school supplies, they will search for the most reasonable price for what they are buying, and repricing will help you achieve that price. This is going to increase your profit greatly. 

Another mistake repricing will help you avoid placing your product prices too low and losing potential profit. Repricing is going to help raise the price so you receive the profit you should get for your product. Inventory flow will also increase once you start selling for accurate prices. 

How to reprice?

Repricing is done with online software tools. These are going to save you a lot of money. Instead of hiring a team to deal with pricing, you will only have to pay a small subscription fee for the software. 

One great example of repricing tools is StreetPricer. When you sign up for the free subscription, all you have to do is select your highest and lowest prices. The rest will be done by the system itself. You can also upgrade your plan for extra benefits. 

School season is one of the peak seasons for eBay marketplace stores. Everyone is shopping online, so start repricing and stay ahead.

Image credit/source: Cor Oosterbeek


Cardy Chung is the founder of StreetPricer. Read more articles by Cardy Chung.

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