What is Amazon’s Restock Limits?
Possible Problems for Amazon sellers
What is Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)?
What is Fulfilment by Merchant (FBM)?
What does it mean for Repricing?
Most repricing tools use a repricing strategy that compares and adjusts price based on ASIN. Whether it being a velocity-based repricing tool or a competitor-based repricing tool, all products of the same ASIN will be grouped together. After the price adjustment is made, the changes will be applied universally across that ASIN. However, with sellers now using both FBA and FBM, products of the same ASIN can be placed under different fulfilment methods. This raises a problem, that is, different fulfilment methods require different pricing strategies which are not covered by the current ASIN-based pricing strategy.
Since products under FBA will have the Prime advantage over FBM, they have a higher chance of winning the BuyBox. FBA products will be delivered faster, cheaper and with a more trusted customer support (Amazon itself). Hence, FBM products would normally need to be priced lower than FBA products to be more attractive to buyers. Consequently, even products that are under the same ASIN would need to be priced varyingly based on those different fulfilment methods.
With more sellers now using a multi-fulfilment model, repricing tools that reprice products based on ASIN should also be able to reprice based on fulfilment methods and this is where many of the previous generation are lacking.