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Modular repricer engines

modular engines

Because each channel’s competition and price points are different

Amazon, Google Shopping, Walmart, eBay, Amazon Business, and your own web store

modular engines 2
For each channel
• Separate BuyBox/competitor logic, fully AI-driven
• Different set of Min and Max
• Profit calculator: ROI% and Margin% according to marketplace fees
• File upload/download and competitor reports
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Maximum sales and highest profit for each channel
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Full AI BuyBox logic. Real-time repricing. Profit Optimizer. Profit Calculator. AutoMinMax. Velocity repricing.
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Full AI BuyBox logic with price-scraping for data accuracy. Profit Optimizer. Profit Calculator. AutoMinMax. Velocity repricing.

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Google Shopping

• Publish, SEO, and Reprice functions all-in-one
• Maximize Google ranking, clicks and sales at Google Merchant Center
• Manage Google Ads spending to maximize advertising ROI and profit (Q4 2025)

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Competitor scanning and matching. Match/Below/Above pricing strategies. Velocity repricing.

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Amazon Business

Full AI BuyBox logic. Linked pricing with Amazon store (B2C). Guaranteed pricing integrity.

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Compare your web store’s pricing against any website any marketplace.